Keeping Calm And.. Exploring The World

It’s time to highlight our superhero team, the ones behind the success of the UAE’s fastest growing digital-only lifestyle bank. Today, we present to you our avid traveler and Senior Business Analyst, Saurabh Bafna. Other than his ambitious vision for Liv KSA, Saurabh has got die-hard passion to explore each corner of the world. Keep reading to find out more about him!

  1. If you were to change your name, what would you change it to and why?
    • Zorro – someone once mispronounced my name and it sounded a lot like Zorro, so now all of my friends call me that!
  2. The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are three famous people you want on your team and
    • Optimus Prime – the team needs someone who can actually save us.
    • Dave Chappelle – because who doesn’t want to be entertained by someone like him!
    • Gordon Ramsay – at least if I die, my last meal will be by a 3-star Michelin chef.
  3. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?
    • Koala – because I love sleeping!
  4. If you could choose one person to go out for dinner with, who would it be and why?
    • Ellen DeGeneres. I think she would be super fun company and have a lot of interesting stories to tell.
  5. Teleportation or flying? Why?
    • Teleportation. It means less queues and more travel.
  6. What’s the one skill you think everyone should have? And why?
    • Common sense – guess that’s something missing these days…
  7. What’s the weirdest food you’ve eaten and where?
    • Scorpion… tried it in Thailand on New Year’s Eve. I think it’s safe to say that would be my first and last time.
  8. What would you do with your ’15 minutes of fame’?
    • Do something for the broader community – maybe encourage my followers to donate to a certain charity.
  9. If you could meet any historical figure, who would you meet and why?
    • My grandfather. He passed away when I was very young, so I never got to meet him.
  10. If you had to delete all apps from your phone except 3, which ones would you keep?
    • Liv, because I need to know what my funds are looking like. I would also keep Instagram to stay in touch with people and up to date with what’s trending. And the last app would probably be iTunes because music is a very important part of my life.