Liv. Young

I am interested to open a Liv young account for my child what do I need to know?

To open a Liv young account for your child, you will need a Liv account of your own. You can open a maximum of 5 Liv young accounts for your children between the age 8 to 18 years old by simply using their Emirates ID. To open an account, log in to your Liv app and go to Products > Liv Young and follow the steps.

The Child can only hold an Liv young account till the age of 17. When the child turns 18,  you will get a notification in your Liv app reminding you that your child should open a standard Liv account (adult version). Your child will then be prompted to download the Liv app (adult version) using their Emirates ID.

The interest rate will follow the parent’s interest rate basis the below guidelines:

Monthly average Balance

Interest Rate



Above 500K (if you have 600K in your account, you will receive 1% on 500K and 0.25% on the remaining 100K)



How can I change my child’s email address and reset password?

You can change it from your Parent app.

  • To change email - Simply log in to your Liv app > Products > Liv Young > Settings > Change email. The email address must be valid, unique, and not registered under any other Liv accounts.
  • To reset password - Simply log in to your Liv app > Products > Liv Young > Settings > Reset password. For now, your child’s password can only be reset by you through your Liv app.

Can I set spending limits on my child’s account and where they spend?

You can set a spending limit for your child and enable or disable merchants for your child’s Liv young account at any time. Your child won’t be able to spend more than the allowed limit. To change the spending limit, log into your Liv app > Products > Liv Young > Settings > Spending limit
To view your child’s transactions via your Liv app > Products > Liv Young. Choose your child’s name to view their spend history.


Can my child get a debit card?

You can choose to get a debit card for your child, to order a debit card, simply log into your Parent app > Products > Liv Young > Settings > Request new card

A fee of AED 25 (+VAT) will be deducted from your account for the debit card delivery which will be delivered within 7 working days. Please be present at the time of delivery with your valid Emirates ID for verification.

Only you will have full control over activating it and setting/resetting the PIN in your Parent’s app settings page. . Once you get the debit card simply go to Parent app> Settings > Activate, at the top of the page and You’re all set!

Each Young account can have 1 debit card at a time. If your child’s Young card is lost, stolen or damaged, please request for a new card.

What do I need to know about the debit card PIN?

If you enter an incorrect PIN 3 times at a merchant, we’ll block your card for 24 hours for your safety. After 24 hours, your card will automatically be unblocked.

In case you enter an incorrect PIN at an ATM, your card will be captured & destroyed. Don’t worry! You can request for a new card.

To change a debit card PIN, log in to Parent app > Liv young> Settings and tap ‘Change card PIN.


What is an Allowance? How does it work?

You can set an allowance amount and frequency through your Parent app, which will automatically transfer a fixed amount of money to your child’s Young account on a recurring basis. You can change the allowance amount and frequency whenever you like.

What is a Task? How does it work?

You can assign Tasks to your child from your own Liv app, and reward them for completing them. Tasks can be homework assignments, household chores, etc. And you can create as many Tasks as you like! Once you assign a Task, your child will get a notification in their app. The money you’ve set aside for completing a Task will be transferred to your child’s account once your child marks the Task complete on their Young app AND you approve it.

Can my child take up a Task on their own?

Absolutely! Your child can simply create a Task from their Young app, and it will come to you for approval.

What transfers are done using a Young account & can I take money from my child’s account?

A child can transfer money to any other Liv Young account, or to their parent’s account. The child will be automatically added as a beneficiary in the parent’s Liv app. Parents can take money from their child’s account at any time. Product > Liv young > Wallet > add/withdraw

A transfer to my child’s Young account hasn’t reached yet. Help!

Wait for 48 hours for the transfer to reach your child’s account. If it’s been longer, chat with us for help.

All you need to know about Goal account

Your child can set up unlimited number of Goal Accounts to save for something they want! They can move money into their Goal account and even set up automatic rules that do the saving for them. They can change the rules and take the money out whenever they want. They simply need to log into their Liv Young App > Products > Goal Account to get started.

Can I enable or disable ATM settings on the Young account?

Yes, the Parent can control settings for cash withdrawal and deposit, using the Parent app. Your child will not have access to control any settings.

Fees & charges for the Liv Young account

Monthly Fees Your child’s Liv Young account is free if you, the Parent, have a Liv Prime Membership.
If you don’t meet the above criteria, a monthly fee of AED 5 (+VAT) will apply for the first Young account opened. A flat monthly fee of AED 10 (+VAT) will apply for 2 or more Young accounts opened.
Debit Card delivery AED 25 (+VAT) for first card & replacement
Transfers between Liv Young and Parent accounts FREE
Transfers between Liv Young accounts FREE

I want to close my child’s account.

Oh no! We'd love to make things right for you. If there’s an issue we can help solve, please chat with our team. If you need to close the young account, log in to your app > Products > Liv young > Settings > Close my account.

Why was my child’s Young account closed?

We regularly view our policies and reserve the right to close any account that doesn't meet our requirements. If there is a balance in the Young account at the time of closure, it will be transferred to the Parent account.


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